Thursday 25 October 2012

Creepy Encounters of the Laundry Kind

I really enjoy where I live here in Oxford. It is nice and homey, even if the heat sometimes does not work and your mail occasionally ends up at someone else's flat. It is also a step up from the last place we lived, the mold place.

If you recall reading my "Molding a New Flat" post, I talked about our move from the old flat to our new one right down the street. The old one was not especially bad, it just had a lot of 'interesting' quirks about it.

Like for example, if I had my heater on really high and it was working, someone else's heater might not work. The kitchen was always cold. Even if the heat was on all night. Snails loved living on our glass windows and doors. Our vacuum cleaner had a face on it. Mysterious water would appear all over the bathroom floor for no known reason and from an unknown place. We could hear people walking above us as if they were practicing Irish river dancing. Sometimes a man would come and use our toilet. The hall light never turned off, so our glass front door was like a lighthouse at night.

Wait... Did you just say a man would sometimes use your toilet?
Yes. Yes, I did.
You mean like someone you knew, right?
Nope. Just some random man, who had a key. And he wouldn't even put the seat down. Come on.

Strange conversations with myself aside, it's true. He would just key into our flat use the toilet and leave. Possibly didn't even wash his hands. I'm not sure.

One time I heard him come in and head to the toilet, and I decided I would try and make it really awkward for him. So, I came out of my room and stood in the hallway, like I was going to the kitchen, but did not do anything until he came out. Once he opened the door, I just stood there and stared at him while I held the kitchen door half open. He gave me the nod and then left. It had been a failure. He was just too chill apparently.

There was also a man who would sleep in our laundry room, which I found especially creepy for some reason. I guess mainly because I seemed to be the only one who ever saw him. I would just head over to try and dry and my clothes, and BAM! He would be sitting in the only chair in the room half asleep. (And the room would always smell like cigarettes, which I hate.)

We never spoke except for the first time I saw him. He had said that lots of people took breaks in there and I just sort of mumbled a reply as I ran back into my room to regroup. I literally did not touch my laundry, just left to try and mentally prepare myself and then returned a few minutes later to finish my laundry. I saw him a few more times, but it was rather rare since from then on I would look at the laundry room from my window to try and see if he was there before going over. It was probably over kill, but I was creeped out.

But, yeah, I like it at my new place a lot. No people randomly using our toilet, no creepy people hanging out in the laundry room, but we still have the snail problem. In fact, I have a snail on my window almost everyday.

I think they love me. It might be because in the third grade we got to do a report on any animal we wanted and I chose snails because I thought they were cool. I never touched one, that would be gross. But I liked the shells. I also my made first screen name "SnailyAndCrafts", because I loved snails, and arts and crafts. I was a strange child.

Until next time...

Embrace the Odd,

"The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat." -Lily Tomlin

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